
Posts Tagged ‘canada’

 Source: Heba Ibrahim – Muslim mother in canada


If you come to think of it people who celebrate Santa equate him with God in some way. How?


Parents sow in their kids the love and fear of Santa pretty as much as of God. We as Muslim parents shouldn’t take those matters lightly and follow those who went astray unaware of the consequences; starting with lying to your kids about Santa’s existence and ending with entering into the conciseness of the young kids at an early stage that Santa has some of God’s characteristics! Ultimately when they grow up they will know that you lied to them. Ask yourself .. for what..??

How the people came to worshipping idols? History tells us that Idols were at some point ordinary people and they were glorified after their death and year after year they turned into Idols to be worshipped! I think that is pretty much why it is not recommended to celebrate prophet’s Mohamed’s birthday (or any other prophets for what it matters) , Muslims rather celebrate events that has meanings rather than persons (including prophets) because we are after all the only absolute monotheism religion. And we all know that history has the tendency of repeating itself. I would rather not take the risk.

As Muslims living in the west, we should have more confident in ourselves. Be proud of who we are and, do not exert ourselves to mingle with the crowds just to feel at safe and at ease.  Our kids should be proud to be Muslims and they should stand up tall. Share the beauty of Islam rather than mingling with others to be “less different”.  I do not mean that kids should force their believes on others or make unnecessary arguments and be stiff; on the contrary I just want them to be comfortable in their skin, confident in their religion and solid in their believes. The only way for this to happen is when the parents themselves have and demonstrate this in their lives.

Muslim Parents living in the west can make Muslims Eids fun..Decorate your house for Ramadan and eid instead of decorating a tree. Make your kids send greeting cards to their Muslim friends and exchange symbolic gifts if you want.  Invite other Muslim families to your house and have a feast. Do not exchange “that which is better for that which is lower”

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Note: I am not a religious scholar so if I am wrong in any way please correct me.

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Online Petition – Omar Khadr

Source: Nesreen


Dear friends,

 Please take time to read the online petition requesting the
 repatriation of Omar Khadr to Canada.
 Taken into U.S. custody at age 15, Omar’s rights as a minor have
 never been recognized.
 His captors have exerted upon him all the torture methods they are
 notoriously known for, yet the Canadian government refuses to
 act on his behalf.
 We can help in one (or more) of  four ways:

   (1)  Sign the petition at
   (2)  Donate money to his defense team as they’re defending him
 free of charge and without help whatsoever from the Canadian

   (3)  Write to the prime minister or your member of  Parliament.
   (4) Circulate this message and get the word out to as many
 people as possible.

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